Johns Hopkins Carey Private Equity and Venture Capital Club

Connecting students, faculty and alumni to private equity & venture capital


Entrepreneurship is Not a Spectator Sport

By on January 18, 2018

“Entrepreneurship is a lonely enterprise and not for the faint-hearted as there are no safety nets,” remarked Amy Millman, President of Springboard Enterprises (Springboard) at the Carey Private Equity and Venture Capital Club speaker event on Sep 1, 2016.

Amy recapped her journey in forming Springboard, a highly-vetted expert network of innovators, investors and influencers who are dedicated to building high-growth technology-oriented companies led by women, and shared the lessons she has learned helping entrepreneurs to grow their companies over the years.


Opportunities in the U.S. Small-Cap Private Equity Market

By on January 18, 2018

Large leveraged buyout and mega-cap deals frequently appear in the news but much less is known about small-cap private equity deals. U.S. small-cap private equity managers have, on average, consistently outperformed U.S. mega-cap managers over 10-, 15-, and 20-year periods, according to Cambridge Associates in a report dated March 2017. In addition, private equity fund manager’s performance varies significantly so access to top managers is critical to generating investment returns (see Figure 1 and 2). Jonathan Sinex, Managing Director of Cordish Private Ventures, the family office and investment division of The Cordish Companies, and a Managing Director of Cordish Dixon Private Equity Partners, shared these insights with the Carey Private Equity and Venture Capital Club on November 8, 2017.


A data-driven look at the challenges faced by Baltimore’s business ecosystem

By on November 7, 2017

University and city leaders discuss recent report from Johns Hopkins’ 21st Century Cities Initiative

By Luke LaVoie / Published Oct 24, 2017 / JHU Hub

Download the full report here.

The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School hosted an event at the school’s Harbor East campus last week to present and discuss a comprehensive report analyzing the strengths and limitations of the financing ecosystem within Baltimore. The event attracted top academics, regional business executives, and civic leaders, and featured Ronald J. Daniels, president of Johns Hopkins University; Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh; and Bernard T. Ferrari, Carey’s dean.

The report, “Financing Baltimore’s Growth: Measuring Small Companies’ Access to Capital,” attempts to examine and answer key questions around the sources, gaps, and availability of capital for small businesses.


Demystifying the REITs Approach

By on July 11, 2017

Recent headlines dominating the news often suggest that the retail industry is in a structural decline due to the advent of online shopping and changes in consumer shopping behavior. Malls in particular have been hit hard as large retail chain stores have announced widespread store closures which have wreaked havoc on shopping malls. Yet, the reality is that the woes of the retail industry have predominantly affected mall operators. High quality strip mall operators, on the other hand, have been adapting to the changing environment and adopting innovative ways to grow. This was one of the key message delivered at the Carey Private Equity and Venture Capital Club (PEVC Club) speaker series event on Jun 22 2017 by Mr Wilbur Simmons, III, also known as Tom, who has been President of the Mid-Atlantic Region at Kimco Realty since 2004. Tom holds a Master of Science in Real Estate from the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.


Launch of JHU Finance Affinity Group in DC/Baltimore | Panel Discussion on The Investment Landscape

By on October 31, 2016

In partnership with the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Development and Alumni Relations, the Private Equity and Venture Capital Club at Carey will hold its event in Washington DC to launch the JHU Finance Affinity Group DC/Baltimore and host a panel discussion.

Join Hopkins alumni, friends and a panel of experts for a moderated and interactive discussion about the current climate and ecosystem for investments and deals—especially when operating in an uncertain and volatile environment. The evening will begin and end with refreshments and the opportunity for dynamic networking.


Behind the Scenes of a Venture Capitalist

By on July 11, 2016

We hear a lot about venture capital and the tremendous returns they produce but what exactly do venture capitalists do? To help demystify the profession, the Johns Hopkins Private Equity and Venture Capital Club invited Nick Superina who is a Partner at QuestMark Partners, a Baltimore based expansion-stage venture capital firm with close to US$1 billion under management with interests in technology and healthcare. Our topic was titled “Behind the Scenes of a Venture Capitalist” and it was held at the Carey Business School on Apr 27, 2016.


Private Equity Deal Making by David Warnock, Camden Partners

By on July 11, 2016

The Johns Hopkins Private Equity and Venture Capital Club partnered with the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Maryland to host David Warnock, Co-Founder and Senior Partner of Camden Partners on March 9, 2016 at the Carey Business School. The topic of discussion was “Private Equity Deal Making.” This marked the first time that the Club has partnered with an external professional organization to provide Hopkins students and alumni the opportunity to meet and network with industry professionals. The event was a sold out event as we welcomed more than 60 guests from the private equity, venture capital, M & A, accounting and legal industries as well as students and alumni from Johns Hopkins.


JHU Alum Inspires Carey Private Equity Enthusiasts

By on July 11, 2016

The Johns Hopkins Private Equity and Venture Capital Club was honored to host Mr. Chris Hoehn-Saric, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Sterling Partners on Nov 12th at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Chris has a deep connection to the Johns Hopkins University as he was an engineering major, his parents were both Professors in the Johns Hopkins Department of Psychiatry, and he is a current member of the Johns Hopkins Board of Trustees. Chris started off the presentation with a discussion on the returns across investment classes and how investment in private equity has delivered stellar returns compared to investments in public companies or venture capital over a period of 81 years from 1926 to 2006.


How to Become a CEO Through Search Funds

By on July 11, 2016

Are you fresh out of business school and looking for your next jump up the career ladder?

Consider this: You can become a CEO through raising a search fund.

On May 10, 2016, to help the MBA class at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School understand the search fund model, the Johns Hopkins Private Equity and Venture Capital Club invited Joshua Klatzkin, Partner at Goodwin Procter, and Andy Lock, Associate at Goodwin Procter, to share more about the topic.


Investing and Nurturing Entrepreneurship in Baltimore and the Region

By on July 11, 2016

Baltimore is changing rapidly and one of the key actors in changing the narrative of the city is Sagamore Ventures, a division under Plank Industries—the family investment arm of Kevin Plank, Chairman and CEO of Under Armour.

The Johns Hopkins Private Equity and Venture Capital Club hosted Demian Costa, Managing Partner of Sagamore Ventures on Apr 13, 2016 at the Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus. This marked the first time that the Club has held an event at the Homewood campus to encourage greater participation from JHU undergraduates and graduates from other schools.
